Those of you who know me know that I like a good neat and tidy environment! If you’re thinking of trading in some of those old gym clothes think twice. Here’s a few hacks to help your gym gear go further!
Go au naturel: With fabrics, that is. The material you wear matters a lot. Many fancy gym clothes and other man-made fabrics like polyester and spandex are bacteria heaven. The unnatural fibers are breeding grounds for bacteria. You’re better off with a natural fiber like cotton, linen, or wool.
Spike the laundry: Add a cup of vinegar to your laundry and they will come out smelling fresh. You can also use up to 1 cup of baking soda or washing soda to beat the stink. Just don’t mix the vinegar and the baking soda/washing soda, as they will cancel each other out. Pro tip: For technical fabrics, skip the dryer. It will “bake in” the smell and make it harder to get rid of.
Ditch the fabric softener, forever: Fabric softeners sit on the surface of clothing fibers, preventing air flow and evaporation reducing the air you need to keep odor-causing bacteria at bay. It also makes it difficult for the detergent to get into the fibers and remove the sweat, bacteria, and body odors.
Strip! Take off sweaty workout clothes after exercising. Change your musty top after a hot day. Bring a change of clothes to put on after exercise, etc.